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Q5 questions

  1. In Q5 we are asked to consider the simulations in question 1(c), (d) and (e). But isn’t 1(c) already covered in 1(e)? Do you mean (d),(e) and (f)?

  2. In Q5, we are using the last three computed components $z^{(i)}$, i=N-2,N-1,N. Here is N the mathematical notation or the Matlab format? Based on previous questions it seems that N is the mathematical notation, which means at N the ball hits the ground (z_2^N<0), but I think this question is asking us to use the 3 points before this final point to approximate the result, so shouldn’t i be N-3,N-2,N-1?

  3. Do we only need to approximate the x,y value by using interpolation? Or do we need to use interpolation to calculate theta and v as well?

  4. Do we need to calculate the interpolant by hand? Or can we use the matlab function polyfit/polyval. If we can use these function, how do we describe the interpolant? Do we output the parameters of the polynomial?

Yes, the (c)-(d)-(e) should be (d)-(e)-(f), consistently with the rest of the changes. Thanks for noting. File a3.pdf has been updated.
Use the last 3 components computed, just as the assignment says. This includes the one with barely negative z_2.
Redo the output of (d)-(e)-(f), just as the assignment says. Whatever is in the output, if it must be updated, please update. Also include the more accurate final time, as is requested.
How you are going to update these, is up to you and is part of the question and not a topic for discussion.
You can use matlab/polyfit/polyval.

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